To find out more about how UE works as the 'USA's Rank-and-File Union', check out our ' About UE' section and especially our on-line pamphlet, UE Aims and Structure. Will we still be there after you win your first contract? Absolutely! While we want and encourage our locals to make their own decisions on issues of local importance, the resources of the national union will always be there when you need them - along with a staff person to provide guidance and support. and helping you learn how to build and run your own local union. UE will be with you every step of the way - helping with everything from organizing to negotiating your first contract. In UE, we are proud of our democratic tradition: UE members run their own local unions - and there's no other union where this is a truer statement. But you don't 'go it alone,' either. While that reputation is deserved for certain portions of the workforce, thousands of gaming workers do not enjoy the security of union contracts. Workers must be mobilized to support the union’s contract demands (decided by you and your co-workers) and pressure the employer to meet them. The gaming industry long has been known for providing good union jobs with stable employment, solid wages and benefits. The real goal of the campaign, a union contract (the document the union and the employer negotiate and sign, covering everything from wages to how disputes will be handled), is still to be achieved. The organizing campaign does not let up after an election victory.